"Tell me and I forget

Teach me and I remember

Involve me and I learn"

Benjamin Franklin

EMTsolutions is a training provider for all levels and branches of medical and tactical medical personnel and civilians. Our training setup and content starts and is build up from one solid foundation: experience and real-world scenarios. All our trainers are active medical providers with at least a valid urgent medical responder (Belgian 112 provider) degree and several years of real-world experience. Our current clientele exists out of private and public companies and services in a very large range of branches, however we will never discuss our clients for reasons of privacy and operation security credentials can be provided when requested.

Next to our general medical training EMTsolutions has a lot of in-house knowledge and experience in the field of TCCC and TECC. In the current climate we are living in these military and law enforcement tactics can also be necessary for civilians or low- and nontrained professionals such as security guards, airport and railroad station staff etc. We can provide short and effective hands-on sessions where you will master the basics of safety, bleeding and airway control and hypothermia in a non secured and chaotic environment up to extended classes including evacuation techniques, hypothermia control, evacuation techniques and extended hands-on training.

We strive to train in a logic, positive and realistic setting with the focus on essentials and building a self-assured medical responder who will respond when needed with the focus on live-saving actions and hands-on realistic training. We might sound and be harsh in our general way of training but so is the real world where our customers are going into

Training we provide (but not limited to)

Basic first aid training

Industrial first aidmen/woman

Tactical trauma casualty care (TCCC)

Tactical emergency casualty care (TECC)

Bleeding control


CPR and defibrillator use

Child first aid

Lifesaving actions for children

Electrical first aid

Environmental emergencies

Awareness and mental state training

We can custom build training sessions for your need, we can provide training in Dutch, English and French on site on both operator and trainer level. Train the trainer sessions will be designed according to request of you as a cliƫnt. For more info please mail us.